Depending on the role chosen, user sees particular custom registration fields
Set approval as automatic or manual for each role
Automatically assign registration role to customer group
2 default roles: B2B and Individual Customer
Choose from 8 different field types: text, number, textarea, telephone, select, email, date, file upload
Set for which registration roles a field should be visible
Set field as required or not
Set field sort order
Set field as editable after registration
Set field label and placeholder
Set billing field connection so that after registration “billing details” are automatically filled
Ability to add custom field to billing/checkout
Ability to make custom field billing-exclusive (not visible in registration)
10 default registration fields: company name, address, city, etc.
Add VAT in registration, billing, or both
Make VAT visible only for some countries
Option for automatic VAT VIES Validation
Add VAT to billing/checkout
Make VAT required or not
Deep integration with “Tax Exemption”
Dedicated “Registration Data” section in each user’s profile in the backend
View account details for each user prior to approval
Download associated files prior to approval (e.g. company license).
Approve or reject user
If approve the user, choose which customer group to assign the user to
Email notifications that a new customer needs approval/user account has been approved.
Plugin status can be “B2B Shop” or “B2B & B2C” hybrid
B2B features are hidden for B2C users
Individual control over whether user is B2B or B2CEnable only the components you need. Easily disable: bulk order form, conversations, offers, purchase lists, subaccounts
Extended billing and checkout through custom fields
Sort users by Company, Group, Customer type (B2B/B2C), etc.
Can view which users are main accounts and which users are subaccounts
Hide prices
Hide B2B website entirely
Replace prices with “Request a Quote”
Built-in messaging system between admin and customer
Conversations section added in “My Account” for each individual user
3 types of conversations: inquiry, message or quote request
Deep integration with “Request a Quote” feature:
Quote requests start a conversation and allow negotiation
Deep integration with “Subaccounts” feature:
Multiple users can participate in the same conversation
If a subaccount has “conversations” permission, it can participate in account conversations
Conversation status: new, open, resolved
Website admin can also start conversations with users
New conversation/new message email notification:
Emails are only sent if messages have been unread for 10 minutes -> no email spam takes place
Offers section added in “My Account” for each individual user
Each user sees only offers they have permission/access to
Ability to add offers directly to cart and checkout from “My Account”
Offers are ideal for negotiating with users
Offers are ideal for creating seasonal or promotional bundles
Users can start quote requests from the “Conversations” section
Users can start quote requests from Cart and ask for a custom quote for their current cart contents
Quote requests are received by the website admin in the backend.
Website admin is notified by email when a new quote request occurs.
Quote requests open conversations and allow a discussion/negotiation between parties.
Guest users can also request quotes and leave their emails to be contacted
Users can create an unlimited number of purchase lists
Users can add purchase lists to cart
Save cart contents as purchase list -> “Save as purchase list button” extends cart buttons
“Purchase Lists” section added to “My Account”
Create purchase lists from My Account directly
Create and modify purchase lists through Instant AJAX-powered product search form
Instant AJAX-powered product search form
Instant subtotal calculation
Save bulk order form contents as “Purchase List” for later usage
Modern, versatile, bulk order form design
Shortcode allows you to add the bulk order form anywhere in the website
“Bulk Order Form” section added to “My Account” by default
“Subaccounts” section added to “My Account”
Each B2B account can create and manage subaccounts for their company
Subaccounts can access the same pricing and products as the main account
Set permissions for each subaccount: view account orders, place orders, view conversations, view purchase lists, view offers etc.
Set name, job title, phone number, email, username and password for subaccount
Orders extended with “Placed by” column to show which user placed a particular order
Account and multiple subaccounts can participate in the same conversations (if they have permission).
Email notification to admin about a new customer
Email notification to admin that a new customer needs manual review and approval
Email notification to the user that their account requires manual review
Email notification to the user that their account has been approved.
Email notification to admin and user that there is a new conversation/message/quote request