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LifterLMS Helper

LifterLMS Helper features

Update, install, and beta test LifterLMS and LifterLMS add-ons

LifterLMS Helper 3.5.0 changelog

v3.5.0 - 2023-02-28

##### Updates and Enhancements

+ Updated the appearance of the license dropdown.

##### Bug Fixes

+ Fixed incorrect HTML code for single Add On displayed on the LifterLMS > Add-ons & more screen.

##### Developer Notes

+ Added new paramater `$force`, `false` by default, to the static method `LLMS_Helper_Keys::activate_keys()`. It'll allow to force a remote call instead of using ccached results.

##### Performance Improvements

+ Cache results from the activate keys calls to the LifterLMS license API. This prevents issues where sites are pinging the license server too often, specifically if they are "cloned" sites.