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UsersWP – myCRED

UsersWP – myCRED features

If you want to reward your users for completing actions on your website, myCred should be your go-to plugin and this UsersWP add-on allows you to integrate the myCRED plugin with UsersWP. (The myCRED plugin is required)
Award Points to Users for Completing their Profile
The myCRED integration add-on for UsersWP, allows you to award points to users for filling profile fields and for adding images to their profiles.

You need to set a point amount you want to give (or take) to users for each profile field. Fields that have zero points set are considered “disabled” and will not trigger points.
Show Points in Profile
Points awards to each user will be visible on their profile.

It is also possible to show what points have been awarded through a new tab that can be added via Form Builder to the profiles. You can make this tab visible to all users or visible only to the profile owner. You can also let users decide if they want to show it or not.

Transfer Points between users
Users can also transfer points to each other using this add-on. Users can do so by visiting the profile of the users they want to give points to. They’ll find a “Transfer Points” button, after clicking on it, a modal window will ask them how many points they want to transfer.

The myCred integration add-on for UsersWP is 100% translatable.