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Video Blogster Pro

Video Blogster Pro features

Import content from video and music sites into WordPress for unlimited amounts of fresh search engine food to update your niche blog all day, every day.

Supports the following media sites:

YouTube, DailyMotion, GiantBomb, Spotify, MixCloud, and Vimeo.

Compatible with the latest WordPress and YouTube API v3.

How does it work?

Each Video Blogster feed is a query for a channel, playlist, keyphrase, etc. that is sent to the media site’s API. The API returns the results of the query, and Video Blogster creates a WordPress post for each item returned, including comments, tags, categories, statistics and it even imports the featured image. Your theme handles the rest.

These Video Blogster feeds can be scheduled to run in the b

Video Blogster Pro 4.9 changelog

* Enhancements
	* YouTube: posts with valid videos now refresh metadata (views, likes, etc.) in custom meta fields every 30 days according to ToS Policy #: III.E.4.d
	* YouTube: Added Main Settings option for action on videos that are deleted from YouTube.
	* Added dismissible notice about important YouTube ToS changes.
	* RSS: add support for get_categories inside an enclosure.
	* RSS: default feed entry type to video if enclosure does not define type/medium.
	* Added new filter 'vbp_publish_the_video_finished'
	* Added template tag %VideoScheduledAt%, for live YouTube videos.
	* Allow support for fractional values for Scheduler hours like 0.75 be careful.
	* Added ability to request a random number from a range X-Y for videos and comments.
	* Ensure videos imported do not have content publish dates ahead of the current server time.
	* Ensure Image Template resolves with all valid file characters.
	* Increased logfile size in sql from text(64k) to longtext(4gb).
	* removed Utility Functions

* Bugfixes
	* Fix for finding exact position for multi-byte strings when using content filters.
	* Removed word boundary regex flag for Replace Phrases check. Now optional filter.