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WooCommerce Splash Popup


WooCommerce Splash Popup features

  • Allows store owners to display specific content to new and returning visitors via lightbox popup

WooCommerce Splash Popup 1.5.0 changelog

2023-05-17 - version 1.5.0
* Feature - Declared compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
* Tweak - Added links to the plugin settings page, the documentation page and to get support, in the plugin list.
* Tweak - Use the `jquery.cookie.js` library version bundled with WooCommerce.
* Tweak - Updated plugin author.
* Tweak - Updated plugin textdomain.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.7.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.2.
* Dev - Use SASS instead of LESS for generating the CSS styles.
* Dev - Implement the singleton pattern in the main plugin class.
* Dev - Updated minimum requirements to WC 3.5, WP 4.7 and PHP 5.4.