The most popular site for downloading
Hello WordPress enthusiast, since you've finally discovered the source, have you ever wanted to:
- Install a plugin and be absolutely positive that your site is not infected?
- Install a theme without seeing "DOWNLOADED FROM X•Y•Z•.•C•O•M" all over the admin area, or worse - in frontend?
- Have access to a plethora of wordpress resources in a single place?
- File downloads: 30/month
- +5 on each automatic renewal
- (Optional) Refill the number of downloads for a flat fee
per month
GPL Site
- File downloads: 100/month
- Can see requests from developers.
- Can earn downloads by filling developers' requests.
- Can see files uploaded by other gpl sites.
per month
We do not sell wordpress themes or plugins, we only sell memberships to our site, memberships that allow you to download files.
You may not redistribute files downloaded from GPL Canyon without an affiliate account. Read the terms and conditions carefully because we do block fraudulent accounts.
Items availability are subject to change without prior notice, the decision to buy an item or to extend a membership we have is based on the number of previous downloads and the number of requests we receive for that item/s.
Donations are used to buy new items almost every week, think of it like a huge group buy.
Do you offer support for plugins or themes?
We only offer support for issues regarding your membership. -
If I become member here will you buy item X?
It depends on the number of requests we receive for that item. -
Will I get a license for item/s?
No, we don’t share license codes, download the item again and update manually. -
Item X doesn't work.
You need to take the item as is. We do our best to share only working items but occasionally authors may change the way an item checks for a license. Based on your input we mark the items that aren't working. -
Will I get a refund if [insert any reason here].
No, it’s a donation, your money will be well spent. Besides, it's a digital product, you can't return it. If you have any doubts please buy from the authors, some of them have refund policies. -
VirusTotal shows item X as infected.
It’s a false positive coming from the fact that some antiviruses are way too sensitive (take BKAV for example). GPL Canyon is probably the safest place online when it comes to malware. -
How fast can you update an item after original author updated it?
Usually 0-3 days but you should ask first, we may no longer have an active subscription for that item.